Erasmus+ Student Mobility Selection Call for Study - Academic Year 2025/2026 – go to page
The Erasmus+ Programme is the new European student exchange programme which offers university students a possibility of studying or working abroad in another European country for a period of at least 3 months and a maximum of 12 months for each cycle of study (undergraduate courses, postgraduate master’s degree courses and PhD, specialization courses). Each student receives a grant which partly covers the costs of the stay abroad. Students going on exchange under the ERASMUS+ programme do not pay any university fees in the host university.
Students in disadvantaged economic situations as well as students with disabilities will receive additional contributions.
When you are going abroad through the new Erasmus+ programme, you are eligible to receive an Erasmus grant to assist you with the additional expenditure that you have when living abroad. The amount of the grant is different for studies and traineeships and depends on the destination country.
One of the basic rights each exchange student has is the home university’s full recognition of courses passed successfully abroad. Before leaving the home university, the participating student signs the Learning Agreement – a document that describes the programme of studies followed in the host university. At the end of the stay, the host university should provide the student with a document called Transcript of Records which confirms the completed study programme and the results.
Every year the Faculty publishes a competition notice about Erasmus+.
The Erasmus+ programme of the Faculty concerns two areas: Medicine and Health Professions - go to page and the Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work Area - go to page.
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Erasmus + on the university website - go to page
Scholarships for thesis abroad
Every year the Faculty announces scholarships abroad for the preparation of the graduation thesis. These scholarships are open to students enrolled at least in the first year of a postgraduate master’s degree course, or in the penultimate or final year of a single cycle degree programme, and who wish to carry out part of their thesis preparation in a foreign institution, organization, etc.. The thesis work abroad must take place for a period of at least two consecutive months. The scholarship is € 2,821.00 gross (including tax).
The competition notice can be found on the page dedicated to the competition announcements of the Faculty - go to page
Scholarships for student mobility outside the EU - OVERSEAS Programme
The Faculty announces scholarships which offer students the opportunity to spend a period of study outside the European Union, in one of the foreign institutions with which there are bilateral agreements. The mobility must last for a period of at least 3 months and the amount for each month is 700.00 Euros. Usually, the total amount offered for each mobility grant is 3 monthly payments.
The competition notices can be found on the page dedicated to the competition announcements of the Faculty - go to page
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OVERSEAS Programme on the university website - go to page
Erasmus+ Traineeship
The Erasmus+ Traineeship is one of the initiatives of the new Erasmus + program which offers students the opportunity to do an internship abroad in enterprises or training and research centers which are based in one of the countries participating in the program. The traineeship can be done even after graduation (within 12 months), but the student must take part in the relative competition and win before graduation. Even students who have previously received Erasmus study or internship grants can apply to participate in the Erasmus + Traineeship competition.
Erasmus + Traineeship on the university website - go to page
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Traineeships Abroad on the university website - go to page
Improvement or masterclass scholarships abroad
Sapienza announces a competition for its graduates in order to assign scholarships for improvement courses or activities in foreign and international institutions of university level every year. The competition is based on qualifications and examinations. The scholarship must last for a period of at least 6 months and a maximum of 12 months.
Improvement or masterclass scholarships competition notice - go to page
Scholarships and awards of Fondazione Roma Sapienza
“Fondazione per la promozione dello studio e della ricerca La Sapienza” announces and assigns scholarships abroad, degree thesis scholarships and awards for students and graduates.
Fondazione Roma Sapienza competition notice - go to page
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Facebook page – go to page
Free Movers
“Free movers” are students who do not participate in any exchange program organized by the university, such as Erasmus, but choose the host university by themselves and organize the study period independently.
Free Movers on the university website - go to page
Your first EURES job
Your first EURES job is an EU initiative aimed at working mobility. Its purpose is to help young people find a job and support companies to recruit workers aged 18 to 35 years, citizens of one of the 28 countries of the EU + Norway and Iceland.
Your first EURES job - go to page
Reactivate is the european recruitment service supporting the free movement of workers over 35 years old - go to page
Other opportunities:
- Other Scholarships and Grants on the University website - go to page
- Scholarships of Foreign Governments and Institutions - go to page
- Scholarships, Grants and Awards of DAAD, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD – Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) - go to page
- The "Campus Bourses" search engine for scholarships is available on the Campus France website (the French Agency in charge of promoting higher education, hosting foreign students and international mobility) - go to page
- Fulbright Commision grants for Italian citizens - go to page
- Amgen Scholars Europe Programme - go to page
- The Foundation Blanceflor Boncompagni Ludovisi, née Bildt – go to page