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Epigenetic Modulators (EPI 1°)

Novel drugs, chromatin Modulators from basic Reserch to human disease Roma, september 25, 2017

organized by
Antonella Stoppacciaro and Patrizia Filetici

The aim of this one-day meeting is to bring together researchers interested in epigenetic regulatory mechanisms and novel compounds able to modulate cell behavior and differentiation.
Research in these fields is expanding and can be approached from basic research to more complex systems proposing novel tools in clinical applications and cure of human diseases. 
The program of the meeting will cover different aspects of this research and is aimed to bring together scientists involved in different fields and to promote young students interest and active researchers collaboration.

The Meeting is supported by a Sapienza meeting grant, Participation is free
Registration deadline  August, 25th 2017       
E:mail to
Please indicate your name, Institution, scientific position, contacts  

Opening Remarke 
Maria Rosaria Torrisi: Sapienza University of Rome, Dep Clinical and Molecular Medicine
Carlo Gaetano: Dep of Cardiology, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Maurizio Fanciulli: SAFU, Regina Elena Cancer Institute, Rome
Antonello Mai: Sapienza University of Rome, Dep Drug Chemistry and Technologies
Giulia Piaggio: SAFU Regina Elena National Cancer Institute, Rome,
Gerry Melino: MRC Toxicology Unit, Leicester, UK
Antonella Stoppacciaro: Sapienza University of Rome, Dep Clinical and Molecular Medicine
Marco Tripodi: Sapienza University of Rome, Dep cellular Biotechnologies and Haematology,
Daniela Trisciuoglio: Institute of Biology and Molecular Pathology, CNR, Rome   
Andrea Vecchione: Sapienza University of Rome, Dep Clinical and Molecular Medicine
Clara Balsano: University of L'Aquila   
Promoted  by Antonella Stoppacciaro e Patrizia Filetici

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