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Announcement for the selection of students on mobility for study purposes a.y. 2024/2025 – Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Service Area - deadline expired - go to the page

Information and forms:

  • Online application application - online form
  • Study abroad project form - form
  • Examples of Learning Agreements with exams taken in some foreign universities and recognized by the Faculty of Medicine and Psychology of Sapienza (a.y. 2020-21) - PDF file

Please remember that acceptance of the Erasmus scholarship is a serious commitment undertaken by the candidate, therefore recipients are invited to limit renunciations, after acceptance or the start of Erasmus, to serious and proven cases of force majeure.
Renunciations must be communicated by writing to the Erasmus office of the Faculty of Medicine and Psychology Psychological, Pedagogical and Social Service Area via the appropriate form - form

Notice for outgoing non-EU Erasmus students:
All non-EU students who have won an Erasmus scholarship, before departure, must inquire at the Embassies or Consulates of the destination countries on the documentation required for the stay abroad.

Incoming students

  • For further information on registration procedures for Incoming students visit: link
  • Facebook page "Study at Sapienza" - go to the page
