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Visceral inputs, brain dynamics and subjectivity

Catherine Tallon-Baudry (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Parigi)

Giovedì 17 maggio ore 10.00 Aula 4

Facoltà di Medicina e Psicologia
Via dei Marsi 78


Visceral organs such as the heart and the stomach constantly send information up to the neocortex, thus potentially taking an active part in shaping brain dynamics. In addition, we develop and test the hypothesis that the brain uses visceral inputs to create a subject-centered reference frame, from which the first person perspective inherent to conscious experience can develop. I will present recent evidence, gathered using MEG but also intracranial EEG, unit recordings, and fMRI, that visceral inputs contribute to shaping brain dynamics and play a role in subjective experience. 

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